Richard Lucero

Founder & CEO of transParentSee, LLC

Richard graduated from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise and Sport Sciences and a Masters of Education at St. Lawrence University. He has experienced a successful and diverse career as an instructor, coach (up through collegiate levels), administrator and now as an entrepreneur. Richard’s simple, yet innovative messaging-only platform (transParentSee) was the perfect fit for ICP-TEAMS. His mission to include parents in real-time conversations between educators and students is critical to ensuring a student’s success.

By partnering with transParentSee, and their innovative 3-Level Engagement design, our students and parents have direct access to our team. This direct access helps eliminate possibilities for essential information to get lost in an email or on the student portal. Educators, students, and parents are included in all conversations in real-time. Students and parents will not have to worry about missing important events, registration deadlines, and scholarship opportunities, all of this  is relevant information needed to make decisions that will impact student’s futures.

We know from experience that ongoing, clear communication is vitally important when keeping both students and families informed of the student’s progress. The ICP-TEAMS Educational Management Program provides guidance and support to students and encourages parental involvement prior to students making lifetime educational decisions. Meg’s selection of the transParentSee platform has resulted in a more user-friendly program with increased parental oversite. We believe consistent and transparent communication is a profound piece of the education puzzle and transParentSee is an important catalyst in helping students exceed educational goals